Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Pee Pee in the Potty!!

I am SUPER excited to share with you all that Diego is finally POTTY TRAINED!!! I never thought it was actually going to happen! He started showing lots of interest when he was just about 2 years son is a teeny tiny little guy and at the time there were NO "choonies" (undies, but we call them choonies in our house) that would fit that lil booty :) So...he finally gained some lbs and I was able to shrink 2T choonies to fit him this past summer...BUT....thanks to the last few teeth that he didn't have yet he ended up getting diarreah for almost 2 weeks :( So all my hard work that I had done for 2 weeks went right out the window! Damnit man!!

Then...I told my self that I was going to potty train him over Christmas break while I was off of work for 2 weeks...BUT...once again UNSUCCESSFUL!!'s mostly my fault this time...instead of staying home and focusing on the potty training we were out and about the whole 2 weeks then towards the end of the break we all got really that was potty training, once again!

Then...this weekend while I was snoozing away Diego was down stairs with my Momma and told her that he wanted to wear Buzz choonies (Buzz light year) they came up stairs and got the choonies. My mom was telling him how he was going to be a big boy like his cousin's and his friend Daniel (our neighbor). Diego was SO pleased to hear that he was going to be like Daniel that he kept those choonies on ALL weekend and had only 2 accidents in 3 days! YIPPIE!! I'm was getting SO tired of buying diapers!! I will get about 8 months free of diaper buying ;)

Diego is having fun being a big boy and showing anyone & everyone his big boy choonies! :)


1 comment:

just us said...

Perfect! Just in time for the new baby. Congrats Diego!